Diabetes and Foot Care

My aunt was recently diagnosed with diabetes. What kind of foot care issues should we be looking for?

Read Diabetes and Foot Care

IRENE’S STORY: Food for the soul

Have you visited the Alzheimer ward of a nursing home lately? If so, you’ll know that it can be a sad place. But did you know that you can do something about it? That as a volunteer, you can bring some joy, not only to your loved one but to many others?

Read IRENE’S STORY: Food for the soul

Tips for Hiring Private Caregivers

I’d like to hire a private caregiver for my 86-year-old aunt. What should I look for? Are there any questions I should be asking?

Read Tips for Hiring Private Caregivers

The Ninth Inning

As a Seniors Move Manager I meet a lot of adult children who are worried sick about their parents living alone. Are they taking proper care of their health? Is the home really safe given failing eyesight, fragile bones and occasional dizziness? Are they still able to enjoy the amount and kind of social interactions…

Read The Ninth Inning

LAUREN’S STORY: For my mom

For a long time now, I have been taking care of my mother. Although her health isn’t great, I won’t let her live in a nursing home. She has done so much for me over the years and now I am able to return the favour and look after her. We get along great together.

Read LAUREN’S STORY: For my mom

HAYLEY’S STORY: A voice from the past

My 68-year-old mother recently found out that she has a twin sister, from whom she was separated at birth. The letter came on a lazy summer afternoon, as Mom was knitting in her rocking chair.

Read HAYLEY’S STORY: A voice from the past

Dad’s New Girlfriend

My Mom died 4 years ago and my Dad has been very lost without her. He is now dating a woman that none of us like. My Dad does not have alot of money, but we think she is a gold digger. I am afraid he will marry her and then give her everything – including his house.


Read Dad’s New Girlfriend

What to expect: long-term care and diabetes

What can I expect from my dad’s new long-term care home in terms of managing his diabetes and any complications?

Read What to expect: long-term care and diabetes

Losing My Independence

I love my life!! I know that may sound strange from someone who has heart troubles and a diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer’s, but life in general is great because of my family and friends, well, all apart from Wednesdays that is!! Let me explain.

Read Losing My Independence

Avoid Choosing the Wrong Person as Power of Attorney

Having a Power of Attorney for Property (POAP) in place is a positive and practical step for our parents and relatives to take as they prepare for their retirement years. Probably the most important decision the Grantor (the person who makes the POAP) must make is who will be their ‘Attorney’. This is the term…

Read Avoid Choosing the Wrong Person as Power of Attorney