The Importance of Proactive Funeral Planning for Seniors
Here is how to make funeral planning easier and less stressful.
Read The Importance of Proactive Funeral Planning for Seniors
Let’s talk about “Advance Care Directives”
Start the conversation about your “End of Life Wishes” today.
Palliative Care: Why the world needs to get ready for more people dying.
Improving end of life care is a global challenge, made more urgent by ageing populations.
Read Palliative Care: Why the world needs to get ready for more people dying.
Canadians Want A Good Life To The Very End.
Only about 30% of people needing palliative care get it.
End-of-life care: Assist your loved ones with clear instructions
The debate around assisted death is hitting a fever pitch.
Read End-of-life care: Assist your loved ones with clear instructions
How Ontario’s laws make seniors an easy target for ‘predatory marriages’
In Ontario, marriage nullifies an existing will, making it easier for predatory brides or grooms to take control of assets.
Read How Ontario’s laws make seniors an easy target for ‘predatory marriages’
What is Looking Ahead?
Smartly organize your affairs into 3 main categories: Incapacitation, Death and Legacy.
Dad’s ashes can be divided up, if the children prefer that option: Ethically Speaking
The process of dividing ashes does not have to be distasteful.
Read Dad’s ashes can be divided up, if the children prefer that option: Ethically Speaking
Nidus announces Free Monthly Webinars.
Are you Prepared?
For end-of-life? For incapacity? For your future?
Supreme Court allows doctor-assisted suicide in specific cases.
The Supreme Court’s ruling revisited the controversial and emotional issue of assisted suicide.
Read Supreme Court allows doctor-assisted suicide in specific cases.