What does the future hold for the war on Alzheimer’s?
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Learn what the future hold’s for Alzheimer’s research and treatment.
Caring for Individuals with Vision Loss and Dementia.
Careiving can be more complicated when dealing with multiple health issues.
Join Western University’s New Research Project.
We invite you to participate in our research study for Personal Support Workers working with persons with dementia.
Meet Silver Sherpa and CEO Susan Hyatt
We’re here to support seniors, and their families, and to manage the inevitable, overwhelming problems and stresses associated with ageing.
Caring for the Caregiver : Cultivate a Resilient Nature.
Acknowledge that waiting to be happy is a sinful waste of time. Choose instead to find the simple joys and the happy moments in every day. This is heart-based living.
Read Caring for the Caregiver : Cultivate a Resilient Nature.
Seniors caring for seniors – a new trend.
A team of women who help look after each other.
Safety for seniors.
I hope you enjoy reading my most recently published article.
Elder Care Takes a Village – Meet Silver Sherpa!
Helping Canadians age as successfully as possible.