Caring Families Need Help With Financial Planning – It’s Here

“I absolutely love it when family caregivers turn their experience into a business opportunity after caring ends”

Read Caring Families Need Help With Financial Planning – It’s Here

The Perfect Fake Independence

“Doing the work of keeping the family well even as the needs of a loved one’s age, disability or illness progress is invisible work”

Read The Perfect Fake Independence

When a Book Hits So Close to Home: The Lady With The Crown

“This book is for anyone who loves a great memoir, that goes without saying”

Read When a Book Hits So Close to Home: The Lady With The Crown

So THAT’S Why Caregivers Feel So Desperate!

“Maybe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs gives us the language to talk about getting the help we need to survive and thrive”

Read So THAT’S Why Caregivers Feel So Desperate!

Mother Lode: Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver

“To anyone who has ever or WILL ever care for a parent, you should read this book”

Read Mother Lode: Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver

Canada’s Caregiving Crisis and HOW TO FIX IT.

“If we join hands, we can make Canada the world’s best place for caregivers to live and work.”

Read Canada’s Caregiving Crisis and HOW TO FIX IT.

Caregiver Recipe Exchange!

What are your go-to caregiver favourite recipes? Share away!

Read Caregiver Recipe Exchange!

Quitting Time: A PM’s Resignation Has Lessons for Caregivers

Sometimes stepping back and sharing the reality of an “empty tank” is good leadership.

Read Quitting Time: A PM’s Resignation Has Lessons for Caregivers

The Twelve Days of a Caregiver Christmas

“Here’s to all of you in celebration of the loving care you provide every day of the year”

Read The Twelve Days of a Caregiver Christmas

A Man Finds His Purpose in Caregiving

If you can find half an hour today, watch this short film.

Read A Man Finds His Purpose in Caregiving