The Scoop on Caregiving
Some helpful tidbits of information on Caregiving, and some products and tips that help you as a caregiver
The Music Between Us: Memoir of a Bedside Musician
Who doesn’t love a beautiful transformation story?
Keeping it Together: How to Cope as a Family Caregiver without Losing Your Sanity
More than an easy read, this cocoon-in-the-form-of-a-book is a companion and guide for you to strengthen your inner emotional resiliency!
Read Keeping it Together: How to Cope as a Family Caregiver without Losing Your Sanity
The risks and realities of Drinking
As the Jimmy Buffett song goes, it’s always five o’clock somewhere. But when it comes to some seniors and their caregivers, it might be more than a casual drink that ends the day.
The Unexpected Journey of Caregiving: The Transformation From Loved One to Caregiver
With a foreword by Judy Woodruff, The Unexpected Journey of Caring is a practical guide to finding personal meaning in the 21st century care experience.
Read The Unexpected Journey of Caregiving: The Transformation From Loved One to Caregiver
Elder Abuse and Ageism During the Pandemic
What impact has the current pandemic had on the elderly?
Disability Planning for My Child: How to Begin Now
“No family should be alone in this process”, says Maier. A financial advisor may be the help you need.
Most critical skill for caregivers? Good communication.
Read to find out what one of the most critical skills of being caregiver is
Read Most critical skill for caregivers? Good communication.
Message: Sibling Rivalry Meets Caregiving
As a son or daughter doing most, if not all, of the work required to care for one or both of your parents, you’ve probably thought: “Why is this all landing on me? Why aren’t my siblings sharing the care?”
Two DIY courses to learn about some Ontario health laws.
Now is your chance to learn more about “Statutory Guardianship” and “Family Caregiver Rights” in Ontario.
Read Two DIY courses to learn about some Ontario health laws.